School of Education, Health and Human Services

School Contact

Dr. Akilah Carter-Francique
School Dean
Office Phone: 803-705-4496

Ms. Cassandra Williams
Data Specialist
Office Phone: 803-705-4496

Students in the School of Education, Health and Human Services will be prepared to enter an array of professional fields. These programs teach students to address the well-being, development, and life-long-learning of individuals and families.

The School of Education, Health and Human Services is comprised of the following departments

Major courses of study include Educational Studies and Psychology, Public Health, Social Work, Sport Management, and Esports.

Explore Our Graduate Majors

Our Departments

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Public Health:

HSM students will be prepared for fitness-related occupations, public health, and health- related wellness. There are many competitive and viable professions in Public Health that are available to graduates of this program: Health Communications Consultant, Health Education Consultant and Rural Health Program Specialist.

Sport Management:

Students majoring in the Sport Management program will become proficient in the skills and knowledge needed to excel in careers that range from sports media, event management, sports marketing and promotion.

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Esports Administration:

Esports Administration major seeks to prepare students to work in the Esports professional, collegiate, public schools, and recreational arenas. Special focus is given to this electronic form of sports through various virtual sporting competitions using video games. Students who pursue a career in Esports will be able to work in several professions to include Esports: Administration, Event Management, Marketing, Media, Broadcasting, Sales, Information and Technology, Coaching, Analytics, Education, and Entertainment.


Psychology and Educational Studies Department

Educational Studies:

The mission of the Psychology and Educational Studies Department is to prepare students for careers in psychology and child and family development fields as educators and practitioners. The Child and Family Development concentration prepares graduates to work in non-public school settings that serve the educational needs of children and families.


The psychology program provides specialized training for students planning professional careers in psychology, mental health, and child & adult protective services. The program includes a broad interdisciplinary foundation. Students are required to complete a minor to enhance their knowledge in the various subfields of psychology. This also provides a strong background for students planning careers in research, business, education, law, and medicine and multiple professional careers in other psychology-related fields.


Social Work:

The Benedict College Social Work Program is the oldest CSWE accredited HBCU program in the state of South Carolina. This program offers a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW). This program also offers professional certifications in the high demand career fields of Child Protective Services and Interdisciplinary Gerontology. The College’s location in the capitol city, exposes students to the major local and state agencies,  making completion of the 400 hour graduation more than achievable.
Companies that hired Benedict College Students who graduated from the Social Work Department

  • SC Department of Mental Health
  • Richland County DSS
  • The Crossings at Columbia
  • SC Department of Juvenile Justice
  • Transitions
  • Youth Build
  • Columbia Urban League

Quick Facts

Bachelor's Degrees
Master's Degree
Enrolled Students


Programs and Initiatives


Events and Workshops

Success Stories
