Voted Columbia Neighborhood's

About the Harambee Festival

Charlie W. Johnson Stadium
1920 Two Notch Road
Columbia, SC 29204

Register to be a part of one of the largest College-sponsored festivals in the nation!

Enjoy the familiar as well and begin a new era of Harambee Excellence!


April 25-27, 2025
9:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Dear Sponsors and Supporters of the 36th Anniversary of the Harambee Festival:

On Saturday, April 26, 2025, the iconic Benedict College Harambee Festival will be held in the Charlie W. Johnson Stadium as the College proudly continues the legacy of the Festival which has been a thirty-six-year signature event in Columbia, South Carolina, and wider communities. It has sustained its existence through interpretation of history, presentations through the arts, culture, and humanities, with outstanding stage performances, a Children’s Learning Village, a Women’s and Men’s Village, free health screenings, continuous stage performances, merchandise vendors, and the best food found anywhere.

The Festival provides learning experiences for children and college students, public service information to improve the lives of attendees, and opportunities for organizations to merchandise their products before thousands of consumers. It also allows Benedict College to continue its commitment to improve the economic, social, and cultural conditions in our community, including the positive impact that the Festival has on the local economy.

In order to sustain and expand this worthwhile cause, I am appealing to you for financial support. Specifically, there is a need to significantly increase medical screenings, improve the learning and social skills of the youth and college students by incorporating more outstanding exhibits, displays, and more positive presenters, role models, and performers who have influence on the lives of thousands of attendees. Please take advantage of this opportunity for your organization not only to support a positive, value-added Festival to our community but also provides your organization opportunities to showcase and introduce your products and services to a diverse market.

I respectfully request that your organization take advantage of the opportunity to sponsor the Harambee Festival. The Festival provides organizations visibility and unlimited access to thousands of festival participants and customers, a complimentary marketing vendor’s space, and a complimentary electronic ad that will be shown constantly at the Festival and will remain on the Festival’s website for one year. Other benefits are available commensurate with your sponsorship level. Importantly, your contribution will also help to support many deserving students through the Harambee Festival Endowed Scholarship.

Thank you for your support of a sponsorship level. Please submit to the:

Benedict College Harambee Festival
1600 Harden Street
Columbia, SC 29204

Please feel free to call me at 803.705.4417 or at george.devlin@benedict.edu if you have any questions.
Thank you very much for your support.

George A. Devlin
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and
Chair, Harambee Festival Committee

Sponsorship Levels

Harambee! Sponsor

  • Naming rights for the Children's Education Village
  • Special recognition as the Harambee Festival Premier Sponsor
  • Speaking/Podium opportunity at the Harambee Festival
  • Three (3) marketing tables with tent throughout the Harambee Festival
  • Five (5) full-page electronic advertisements displayed at the Harambee Festival
  • Twenty (20) admission tickets to the Harambee Festival
  • Company listing, logo, and link on the Harambee Festival website for one (1) year
  • VIP parking for ten (10) cars at the Harambee Festival

Gold Sponsor

  • Naming rights for the Harambee Festival Stage
  • Podium recognition at the Harambee Festival
  • Two (2) marketing/vending table with tent at the Harambee Festival
  • Four (4) full-page electronic advertisement displayed at the Harambee Festival
  • Fifteen (15) admission tickets to the Harambee Festival
  • Company listing, logo, and link on the Harambee Festival website for one (1) year
  • VIP parking for five (5) cars at the Harambee Festival

Legacy Sponsor

  • Podium recognition at the Harambee Festival
  • One (1) marketing/vending table with tent at the Harambee Festival
  • Three (3) full-page electronic advertisement displayed at the Harambee Festival
  • Ten (10) admission tickets to the Harambee Festival
  • Company listing, logo, and link on the Harambee Festival website for one (1) year
  • VIP parking for five (5) cars at the Harambee Festival

Distinguished Sponsor

  • One (1) marketing/vending table at the Harambee Festival
  • Two (2) full-page electronic advertisement displayed at the Harambee Festival
  • Five (5) admission tickets to the Harambee Festival
  • Company listing, logo, and link on the Harambee Festival website for one (1) year
  • VIP parking for two (2) cars at the Harambee Festival

Contributing Sponsor

  • One (1) marketing/vending table at the Harambee Festival
  • One (1) full-page electronic advertisement displayed at the Harambee Festival
  • Two (2) admission tickets to the Harambee Festival
  • VIP parking for one (1) car at the Harambee Festival


Saturday, April 26, 2025 - 9:30AM - 6:00PM

Performance Headliners:

COMPONENTS: ALL-DAY STAGE PERFORMANCES FEATURING: drum lines, gospel choirs, Benedict College Gospel Choir and the Benedict College Alumni Choir will perform “Say the Word” to commemorate it’s 25th Anniversary; Benedict College Tiger Marching Band of Distinction; Jazz Band, student performers, Harambee Festival Community Choir; a Children’s Dance Group, and legacy performers.

VILLAGES:  HBCU, College/Community/Public Service; Food; Shopping; Legacy Exhibits; Children’s Education, Science, and Cybersecurity, Arts and Humanities, Recreation; Bounce Houses, Game Trucks; Women’s, Men’s, and Elderly; Veterans; Classic Cars; Athletes (including local professionals); MUSC Mammogram Screening; and FREE Medical and Health Screening.


Charlie W. Johnson Stadium

Sunday, April 27, 2025 - 3:00PM

Antisdel Chapel:

Harambee Festival Community Choir and the Benedict College Alumni Gospel Choir Concert in commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of “Say the Word”. – Elder J. David Bratton, Director and Minister Daryl Izzard.

Festival Maps

Registrations and Donations

A gray button denotes that there are No Available Spaces.

Harambee FAQs

  • Saturday, April 26, 2025 ONLY – The Harambee Festival

COMPONENTS: ALL-DAY STAGE PERFORMANCES FEATURING: Benedict College Gospel Choir; Benedict College Tiger Marching Band of Distinction; Jazz Band, student performers, Harambee Festival Community Choir; a Children’s Dance Group, and legacy performers.

VILLAGES: HBCU, College/Community/Public Service; Food; Shopping; Legacy Exhibits; Children’s Education, Science, and Cybersecurity, Arts and Humanities, Recreation; Bounce Houses, Game Trucks; Women’s, Men’s, and Elderly; Veterans; Classic Cars; Athletes (including local professionals); MUSC Mammogram Screening; and FREE Medical and Health Screening.

Refunds minus a $50.00 administrative fee will be processed until April 7, 2025. No refunds will be made after that date for any reason, including, but not limited to weather, or any other circumstances.

The College will provide routine security services for the Harambee Festival but assumes no liability for any lost, damaged, or stolen merchandise. The Harambee Festival remains harmless from liability in these instances.

By submitting this application to participate in the Harambee Festival as a vendor or in any category, I represent and warrant that I will not sell nor allow anyone working with me to sell merchandise that may violate applicable copyright and/or trademark laws.

In the event it is discovered that I am selling or offering to sell merchandise, which violates applicable copyright and/or trademark laws, I understand that I will cease, desist, and stop selling any further merchandise at the Harambee Festival*.

* (The full Representation and Warranty statement is provided to each vendor.  Vendor participation in this festival indicates a willingness by vendors and all participants to adhere to all aspects of the statement.)

Registration will remain open until all categories of participation are full, however, all merchandise, village, food vendors, and nonprofit exhibitors, are encouraged to register immediately to assure your participation.

For more information, please call 803. 705.4789, 803.705.4409, or 803.705.4679. You may also click www.benedict.edu/harambee

Merchandise vendors purchase a 12×12 space with a 6 ft. table provided. Vendors are expected to provide their own tents, generators, and racks. Merchandise vendors may access wi-fi, but NO ELECTRICAL ACCESS IS AVAILABLE.

$200/space includes both days.

Food and Food Truck vendors are expected to provide their own tables, tents, generators, and racks. Merchandise vendors may access wi-fi, but NO ELECTRICAL ACCESS IS AVAILABLE.

$300/space includes both days.


Charlie W. Johnson Stadium | 1920 Two Notch Road, Columbia, SC 29204

Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis, President and CEO

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