Department Contact

1600 Harden Street
Columbia, SC 29204
Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Tuesday, Friday Closed

Scholarship Opportunities

Residents of South Carolina may be eligible for one of the following scholarships. Be sure to check out all of your financial aid and scholarship options.

Scholarships for South Carolina Students

The Legislative Incentive for Future Excellence (LIFE) Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship available only to a student who is a resident of South Carolina at the time of high school graduation and at the time of college enrollment. Students must meet two of these criteria: score 1100 on SAT (24 on ACT), have a GPA of at least 3.0, or ranking in upper 30 percent of graduating class. Eligible students attending a private institution will receive up to $4,700 plus a $300 book allowance.

Open only to graduates of a South Carolina high school, this state-funded scholarship is available up to $6,700 during the first year. The amount increases to $7500 for the second year through the fourth year and is maintainable with satisfactory academic progress. Recipients are chosen by the state. Application details are available from high school guidance counselors.

The South Carolina HOPE Scholarship Program is a merit-based scholarship created for eligible students attending a four-year institution who do not qualify for the LIFE or Palmetto Fellows Scholarship. The HOPE scholarship is available only to a student who is a South Carolina resident at the time of high school graduation and at the time of enrollment. Eligible students attending a private institution will receive up to $2,800 (including a $300 book allowance) during the first year of attendance only. To qualify for the S.C. HOPE Scholarship, first-time entering freshmen must have a high school cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

We’re proud to offer a number of institutional scholarships for our Benedict College students.  

Institutional Scholarships

This four-year scholarship is valued at the full cost of tuition, fees, room, and board. Outstanding high school seniors who are committed to academic excellence are invited to compete for this scholarship. A limited number of freshmen may receive Founders Scholarships each year. Awards will be made based on academic achievement, leadership potential, involvement in extracurricular activities, community service and character. To be considered for this prestigious scholarship, an applicant must have a final high school GPA of 3.75* or higher. An interview may be requested by the Scholarship Advisory Committee.

This four-year scholarship is valued at the full cost of tuition and fees. This competitive scholarship is awarded annually to a limited number of incoming freshmen based on academic achievement, leadership potential, involvement in extracurricular activities, community service and character. To be considered for one of these scholarships, a potential student must have a final high school GPA of 3.6-3.74*. An interview may be requested by the Scholarship Advisory Committee.

This four-year scholarship is valued at up to $10,000 annually. The Presidential Scholarship is offered to a limited number of incoming freshmen. To be considered for one of these scholarships, a potential student must have a final high school GPA of 3.3-3.5*.

This four-year scholarship is valued at up to $5,000 annually. The Tiger Scholarship is offered to a limited number of incoming freshmen. To be considered for one of these scholarships, a potential student must have a final high school GPA of 3.0-3.29*.

*Unweighted Grade Point Averages (GPAs) are used when considering scholarship offers.

Priority Deadline for Scholarships: May 1, 2021

We’re proud to offer a number of institutional scholarships for our Benedict College students. Depending on your accomplishments and interests, you may be eligible for multiple scholarships.

Types of scholarships we provide: 

  • Academic (Merit-based for GPAs from 2.5-4.0)
  • Athletic
  • Visual Arts
  • Choir—Gospel, Concert, Chapel Ensemble
  • Band
  • ROTC

Eligibility Details

Eligibility Documents

We will award scholarships based on the details you share in your application, and scholarship priority will be given to those who have completed:


Academic Scholarship Eligibility

  • Founder
    GPA: 3.75-4.0—covers tuition, fees, room, and board
  • Trustee
    GPA: 3.5-3.74—covers tuition, room, and board
  • President
    GPA: 3.26-3.49—covers tuition
  • Tiger
    GPA: 3.0-3.25—$5,000 award
  • Golden Opportunity Award
    GPA: 2.5-2.99—$2,000 award

Scholarship Options for Minority Students

A number of external organizations also offer scholarships, and many of them are designed to help black students, black women, HBCU students, hispanic students, and other minority students. We encourage you to go after all kinds of scholarships, and be sure to explore options with your local organizations and churches.
Leandra Hayes BC Student with Apple MacBook

Scholarship Options for Military Students

The Scholarships for Military Children Program was created to recognize the contributions of military families to the readiness of the fighting force and to celebrate the role of the commissary in the military family community.

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Affordability at an HBCU

Benedict College made front-page news in the spring of 2018 when it became the first South Carolina college to lower its tuition by 26 percent. We’re proud to offer families an affordable college option, giving minority students—and all students—greater access to higher education.

How much will college cost?

Wondering how much going to Benedict will cost you? We’ll help you run the numbers on the cost of attendance—including tuition, fees, books, supplies, room and board, and other related expenses, minus estimated grant and scholarship aid.

"Building a Community of Scholars"

All Scholarship Recipients Must Have Their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Completed By midnight Central Daylight time, June 30.  In order to receive the maximum amount of Student Aid.


Academic and Outside Scholarship Recipients: Founder, Trustee, President, Tiger, Golden Opportunity, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Palmetto Fellows, SC LIFE, SC HOPE, UNCF, Endowed, Army ROTC, Private

Performing Arts Award Recipients: Marching Band, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Gospel Choir, Concert Choir, Chapel Ensemble, Visual Arts, Theatre

All Athletic Scholarships Recipients: Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross-Country, Football, Golf, Softball, Volleyball, Tennis, Track and Field

Freshman Academic Scholarships

GPA 3.75-4.0, Tuition, fees, room, board and book fees

GPA  3.5-3.74, Tuition, room and board

GPA  3.26-3.49, Tuition

GPA  3.0-3.25, $5,000, per year

GPA  2.5-2.99, $2,000, per year

GPA 3.6-4.0, $5,000, per year

GPA 3.6-4.0, $5,000, per year


Programs and Initiatives


Events and Workshops

Success Stories
