Please find below the general nomination procedures and application for the Benedict College National Alumni Association Athletic Hall of Fame.
- The official nomination ballot must be used in nominating a candidate for induction.
- The hall of fame committee will accept applications for nomination from January 1st through May 30th each year.
- An athlete must have earned at least two letters in one sport, or one letter in two or more sports, and must have attended Benedict College a minimum of two years. The nominee must have been of outstanding quality in performance.
- Selection is based primarily on the athletic prowess of the individual based in playing ability, character, leadership, the athlete’s contribution to the team or teams in, which he played on.
- No more than five (5) nominees may be elected to the hall of fame each year. There is no limit; however, to the number of times an individual may be considered. In exceptional cases, the above requirements may be waived by a unanimous vote of the committee.
- Benedict college coaches and administrators are eligible for induction to the Hall of Fame immediately upon their retirement or five years after leaving employment or a coaching position.  Any contributor and deceased candidates become eligible immediately.
- The nominee must have been out of college a minimum of five (5) years.
- Candidates that are on a team that has been inducted are also eligible as an individual inductee.
- The Hall of Fame induction ceremony is held annually, during the Annual Meeting of the Benedict College National Alumni Association. This is also the annual homecoming weekend.
- The nominee must be present at the induction ceremony in order to be inducted. The nominee can be inducted posthumously. If an athlete is voted in but unable to attend the ceremonies, that athlete will be contacted in the years to follow until he or she is able to attend represented.
- The Hall of Fame committee strongly urge and request that the application is filled out completely, adding any supporting data that will help the selection committee members make a fair and equitable evaluation of the candidate.
- The purpose of the Benedict College Athletic Hall of Fame is to honor former students, coaches, contributors and administrators who have contribute and excelled in athletics at Benedict College.
Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees
- Mrs. Carolyn Scott Bostick ’93
- Mrs. Janie M. Williams Brown ’91
- Mrs. Tina Curtis Mason ’92
- Dr. Charlie W. Johnson
- Mr. Michael Steward ’83
- Mr. James Brown III ’81
- Mr. Ronald C. Davis ’64
- Mr. Bobby Gist ’69
- Mr. Tommy Mack ’81
- Kris Marcus Bruton ’94
- Nathan “Bubba” Dukes ’69
- Joe-Ann Brown Ingram-Lys ’79
- Royton Williams ’02
- Kimberly Allen ’96
- Michael Law ’80
- Claude Brownlee
- Mavis Golston Hook’93
- Perry J. Ratliff McManus ’93
- Johnny L. Bines ’65
- John R. Brown ’70
- James Chandler ’65
- Harold Johnsonh ’62
- Frederick C. Jones, Sr. ’69
- Valerie Brown Locklin ’86
- G. Wesley Palmore ’92
- Robert Sorrell ’65
- Winston Thomas ’65
- Mr. King David Range ’64
- Mr. James Redmond ’69
- Rev. Booker T. Sears ’64
- M. Louise C. Smith ’64
- Mrs. Erica B. Hepburn Wade ’95
- Mr. Jame Youman ’62
- Rev. Dr. Solomon Jackson, Meritorious
- Dr. Davis H. Swinton, Meritorious Service
- Mr. James E. Johnson ’68
- Ms. Jacqueline D. Kershaw ’00
- Mr. Albert Mack ’69 Posthumously
- Mr. Robert Mayes ’67
- Mr. Robert L. Poole ’62 Posthumously
- Mr. Michael B. Simmons ’93
- Mr. Martin L. Stringer ’71
- Mr. Roy Wiley ’67
- Mr. Carl E. Drakeford ’68 (Posthumously)
- Mr. Bernard Elmore
- Mrs. Shakesha L. Gillens ’98
- Mr. Esco Harmon ’03
- Mr. Timothy Lane ’64
- Mr. Malik D. McCullough ’06
- Mrs. Kimberly Cure Palmer ’05
- Mr. Bobby Nathan Adams
- Mrs. Tina D. Hayes-Arrington ’04
- Dr. Vareva R. Evans-Harris ’98
- Mrs. Palmela Prezzy Jeffery ’92
- Mr. Joshua C. Obiajunwa ’06
- Mr. Leon C. Smith ’96
- Mrs. Orma J. Felton Swearinger ’96
- No Inductees due to Covid-19
- Ms. Melinda Bastian ’11
- Mr. James Byrd ’75
- Mr. Gerald Herbert ’90
- Mr. Ramon Robinson ’99
- Ms. Tina Ivory Sanders ’06
- Attorney Ralph Warren ’71
- Mr. Gerard Washington ’06
- Mr. Oneil Williams ’09
- Mr. Anthony Wilson ’97
As of 11/9/21
- No Induction
- No Induction
- Mr. Leroy “Bud” Huff 54
- Mr. Eddie Dean Montgomery 73
- Mr. Blanchard Lee Thomas 64
- Mr. Dennis W. Wilds 49
- Mr. Louie F. Blackwell ’59
- Mr. William W. “Buck” Crosby ’59
- Ms. Mary L. Davis ’72
- Mrs. Joy Holman ’78
- Mr. David Jones ’61
- Mr. Leo Chester ’55
- Mr. Jimmy Greene ’62
- Mr. Robert McCullough ’65
- Mr. Willie Washington
- Mr. Freeman D. Williams ’59
- Mr. George Glymph ’65
- Ms. Mary L. Harmon ’74
- Mr. Ovenson Shipman ’57
- Mr. Frank Chapman ’67
- Mr. Rayshaw L. Gaddy ’58
- Mr. Wheeler Hughes ’58
- Mr. Lynn A. Jackson ’94
- Mr. Wilson “Whip” Walker ’58
- No Induction
- Mr. Milton Bernard Greene ’93
- Mrs. Ethel Cloud Wright ’76
- Mr. Charles Blakely
- Mr. Melvyn R. Cooper
- Mr. Lonnie Wayne Ferguson
- Mr. Marion Nicholson
- Mr. Robert O’Neal
- Mr. Isaac Smith Jr.
- Dr. Albert Reid 53
- Mr. Colon Garrett
- Mr. Emory L. Waters 71
- Mr. Habibullah Saleem
- Mr. Hilton White
- Mr. Jesse Buie 50
- Mr. Sam Haigler 48
- Mr. Taft Watson 48
- Mr. Willie Little 51
- Mr. Edgar B. Williams
- Mr. Henry Isaac
- Mr. James Thompson 52
- Mr. Parnell Jones 55
- Mr. Richard Reed 58
- Mr. William Tommy Lowden 62
- Mr. Clem Seaton 52
- Mr. Johnny Brunson 67
- Mr. Kerney
- No Induction
- Dr. Lonnie Randolph 72
- Mr. A. J. Stewart 51
- Mr. Benjamin Wesley
- Mr. Henry Perkins 60
- Mr. Herbert Shell
- Mr. Jerome Smith 57
- Mr. John E. Webb 51
- Mr. Joseph Coffey
- Mr. Leroy Deboard 55
- Mr. Roosevelt Hingleton
- Mr. William E. Powell
- Dr. Walter Fordham 65
- Mr. Bennie Williams 59
- Mr. Bobby Treadwell 63
- Mr. Eddie Mitchell 58
- Mr. Hillard Bossard 58
- Mr. John Campbell 53
- Mr. Belasco Jackson Bossard 51
- Mr. James H. Fields
- Mr. William Jackson
- Mr. Green K. Smith 59
- Mr. Robert L. “Butch” Taylor ’69
- Mr. Charles B. Watson, Sr.
- Mr. Wendell Dailey 64
- Mr. John A. Fields 43
- Mr. Donald Rozier 63
- Mr. James Frankie Smith 67
- Mr. Joseph Thompson 41
- Mr. Charles Darling 67
- Mrs. Sue Ellen Clark 64
- Mr. Nathaniel Drisker ’56
- Mr. John Johnson 65
- Dr. Edmund McDonald 38
- Dr. Leroy Walker 40
- Mr. Alex Walker
- Mr. Charles McIver 39
- Mr. Richard Lipscomb
- Mr. Charles Brooks 42
- Mr. Hayward Chappelle
- Mr. John Anderson 40
- Mr. Leroy Shelton 38
- Mr. Ralph Pughsley 38
- Mr. Walter Dean
- Mr. John E. Brown
- Mr. William D. Young
- Dr. T. J. Hanberry
- Mr. Eugene Holmes 33
- Mr. George Elliott
- Mr. George Sheats 42
- Mr. Leroy Fair 42
- Mr. Walter Johnson 69
- Mr. Carlisle Fields 42
- Mr. James Williams
- Mr. Lloyd Degraffenreid 41
- Mr. Richard Williams
1964 National Scoring Championship Basketball Team Robert Sorrell, Ernest Perry, Timothy Shine, Benjamin Trapp, Glenn Davis, Johnny Robinson, Robert Finley, Nolan Brackett, Turner Hughes, Robert McCollough, Ernest Morris, Alvester Pate, Marvin Worsley
Coach Reuben Turner
- Mr. Robert Donald 52
- Mr. Walter Simon 61
- Mr. Elias Kibler 64
- Mr. Elwood Davis 51
- Mr. Fletcher Jones 56
- Mr. Nathaniel Hartman
- Mr. Robert Butler Webb
- Mr. Varlee Goolsby 58
1961 SIAC Basketball Championship Team Richard Ringold, Dallas Wilson, Jimmy Green, Larry Peet, Harold Johnson, Freddie Durr, John Kelly, Robert Finley, Walter Simon, Robert Ames, Eddie Bowen, Timothy Shine, Billy Roach, Marvin Worsley
- Dr. James Carter ’67
- Mr. Charles Benson ’63
- Mr. James Sampson ’54
- Mr. Robert Johnson ’61
- Mr. Willis Hoss Bracy
- Mr. James Gray ’65