The Learning Resources Center (LRC) is a multi-purpose, tri-level architecturally designed facility constructed of solarium bronze glass. The building, which is 66,972 gross square feet, consists of the Library, Mobile Multimedia Center and the Archives Center. Named for Dr. Benjamin F. Payton, the 10th President of Benedict College, the Learning Resources Center was completed and dedicated in 1974, replacing the old J.J. Starks Library built in 1937. In 2010, the Learning Resources Center was renovated to its present day decor. A ramp is conveniently located for accessibility to the building and an elevator is accessible from all floors.

The Learning Resources Center provides the staff, library services, and resources that enables students, faculty, and staff at the College to fulfill their academic obligations relative to the College mission and purpose. The Library is centrally located on campus and is open 81 hours a week, including nights and weekends. It has a seating capacity of 540. It has a full-time staff of four librarians and two support staff.

Library collections and services expand the three levels of the Learning Resources Center facility. The LRC features an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) that provides access to the library’s collection via the internet. In addition, it also provides access to a number of subscribed electronic databases and eBooks available 24/7, both on-campus and remotely, from any computer with internet capability. These databases feature electronic journals, newspapers, and electronic books in support of the academic programs. The Library’s book collection consists of more than 130,000 volumes and its media collections provide access to over 2,000 media resources.

The Learning Resources Center offers a number of services, including reference, research instruction, computer access, photocopy and document scan, media, archival, PASCAL Delivers book service, and interlibrary loan (ILL). Both reference and circulation services are accessible from the library’s centrally located information services desk. All services are offered during regular hours of operation.
The Mobile Multimedia Center (MMC), Archives Center, and the Acquisitions/Collection Development Unit, which are integral parts of library services, are located on the court (ground) Level of the Learning Resources Center. The court level also consists of the Student Success Center, student study rooms, the Math Lab, the English Lab, Academic Advisors, Honors Program Office, and the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL).

The Learning Resources Center reports to the Office of Academic Affairs, under the leadership of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Learning Resources Center receives system support from the Chief Information Officer and information technology staff.

The library, an intrinsic part of Benedict College, observes certain holidays. Inquiries as to holidays observed may be made by calling the library in advance at (803) 705-4301; (803) 705-4364 or by checking the posting of hours in the building’s lobby.


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