Benedict College National Alumni Association Awards
BCNAA Awards are distributed at the Alumni Award Luncheon to recognize alumni for their noteworthy services and accomplishments to the National Alumni Association, Benedict College and their communities.  Award recipients are determined by the BCNAA Awards Committee using established criteria. These criteria are not intended to be all-inclusive or to preclude the Association from granting such other awards, recognition or acknowledgement-as may be deemed fitting and proper.Â

The Young Alumni Service Award is presented to an active alumnus in his/her club and the BCNAA. The recipient must have displayed exceptional service beyond the call of duty, be active in recruiting students for the College, be a continuous financial supporter and attend the BCNAA Spring Planning and Annual Meeting.
- Active in an Alumni Club and the BCNAA
- Exceptional Service beyond the call of duty
- Active in recruiting students for the college
- Continuous financial support.
- Attend BCNAA meetings (spring planning or homecoming)
ThePre Alumni Service Award is presented to an active member in the Pre Alumni Council. The recipient must be active in Student Organizations, active in UNCF, active in Recruiting Students, have assisted with the Annual Phonathons, supported special alumni activities, and attended the Pre Alumni Regional and National Conferences and the BCNAA Annual Meeting.
A. Â Benedict Alumnus
- Active in an alumni club and the alumni association
- Rendered service beyond the call of duty to the association – either through a club or directly to the alumni association
- While not establishing “length of service” criterion, the person distinguishing himself or herself over the longer period of time would be first recognized with this award
B. Â Non-Alumnus
- Rendered service beyond the call of duty to the alumni association through an alumni club or directly to the alumni association
- While not establishing “length of time” criterion, the person distinguished himself or herself the longer period of time would be first recognized with this award
The Outstanding Achievement Award is presented to a Benedict Alumnus who has achieved noteworthy recognition for his or her achievements.
- Must be a Benedict Alumnus
- Must have achieved noteworthy recognition for his or her achievements
The Lula J. Gambrell Alumni Award is the highest award of the Association. It is named in honor of Lula J. Gambrell, a long-time faculty member, who encouraged alumni to organize alumni clubs. The primary selection criteria for nominees involves a Benedict alumnus who must have been supportive of the College and its purpose over a period of years, must be actively involved with an alumni club and the alumni association, must be involved in positive civic and community efforts and must himself or herself be “a power for good in society.”
- Must be a Benedict alumnus
- Must have been supportive of the school and it’s purpose over a period of years
- Must be actively involved with an alumni club and the alumni association
- Must be involved in positive civic and community efforts
- Must himself or herself be “a power for good in society”
It is hoped that the Lula Gambrell Award will represent the highest of the awards that the association presents to alumni.
Alumni Award Recipients
- Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. Willie J. Hill
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mr. Moses Mims, Jr.
- Distinguished Service: Elizabeth Douglas
- Distinguished Service: Robert Gillespie
- Outstanding Achievement: Tyrone A. Burroughs
- No Awards due to Covid-19
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Barbara Jackson Bowens
- Distinguished Service: Pearl B. Thomas
- Distinguished Service: Robert E. Thomas
- Young Alumni Service: Mr. Roderick D. Casey
- Distinguished Service: Betty Harris Jenkins
- Distinguished Service: Jacqueline Wright Ward
- Distinguished Service Non Alumni: Alberta Carr Robertson
- Outstanding Achievement: Marshell McKever
- Lula J. Gambrell: Ms. Ada Brown Belton
- Distinguished Service: Thelma Brooks Salmond (Posthumously)
- Outstanding Achievement: Ronald L. Rhames
- Young Alumni Service: Ms. Chabre M. Mingo
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mr. Truman Brightman
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Betty M. Brightman
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mr. Jimmy DuRante
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Jacqueline D. Lawrence
- Distinguished Service: Joan M. Gilbert
- Distinguished Service Non Alumni: Phyllis Perkins
- Young Alumni Service: Mr. Chad Holloway
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Selena Gillespie
- Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. Elsie King Hamler
- Distinguished Service: Sonja W. McIntosh
- Distinguished Service: Tommy M. Mack
- Distinguished Service: H. Kenneth Woods
- Distinguished Service: Sylvia B. Woods
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Thelma Perkins
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Teshine Good
- Outstanding Achievement: Charles B. Jackson
- Pre Alumni Service: Mr. Jacob Morgan
- Young Alumni Service: Ms. Tameka Brown
- Young Alumni Service: Mr. Julius B. Scott
- Dedication Club Award: Sumter Alumni Club
- Membership Club Award: Raleigh Tri-County Club
- Premier Club Award: Progressive Alumni Club of Greater NY
- Lula J. Gambrell: Ms. Marlene M. McClerklin
- Lula J. Gambrell: Ms. Frances D. Wimberly
- Distinguished Service: Pertell E. Nesbitt
- Distinguished Service: Albert W. Sherard (Posthumously)
- Outstanding Achievement: James Lucas (Posthumously)
- Pre Alumni Service: Mr. Brian Golden
- Young Alumni Service: Mr. Jamie Thomas
- Dedication Club Award: Washington Alumni Club #46
- Membership Club Award: Lee County Alumni Club
- Premier Club Award: Texas Alumni Club
- Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. Albert Reid (Posthumously)
- Lula J. Gambrell: Ms. Thelma Whitney
- Distinguished Service: Rosena Rees Lucas
- Outstanding Achievement: Bennie Mitchell (Posthumously)
- Young Alumni Service: Dr. Walletta Moore-Johnson
- Dedication Club Award: Abbeville Alumni Club
- Membership Club Award: Young Alumni Club
- Premier Club Award: Abbeville Alumni Club
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Barbara C. Moore (Posthumously)
- Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. Rudolph Gordon (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service: Betty Martin Brightman
- Distinguished Service: Lula Yeargin Williams (Posthumously)
- Outstanding Achievement: Rosemary Brooks English
- Young Alumni Service: Mr. Solomon Hill
- Dedication Club Award: Newberry Alumni Club
- Membership Club Award: Colleton Alumni Club
- Premier Club Award: Texas Alumni Club
- Lula J. Gambrell: Ms. Sheryl Good
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Hattie Suber
- Distinguished Service: Roosevelt Moss
- Distinguished Service: Shirley Murray Patterson
- Dedication Club Award: Central NC Alumni Club
- Membership Club Award: Augusta Alumni Club
- Membership Club Award: Progressive Alumni Club of Greater NY
- Premier Club Award: Central NC Alumni Club
- Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. John C. Williams
- Distinguished Service: Truman Brightman
- Distinguished Service: Teshine Good
- Outstanding Achievement: Rev. Grady H. Donald (Posthumously)
- Dedication Club Award: Laurens County Alumni Club
- Membership Club Award: Spartanburg Alumni Club
- Premier Club Award: Laurens-Clinton Alumni Club
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mary Primus Jones
- Distinguished Service: Barbara Jackson Bowens
- Outstanding Achievement: Rev. Dr. Latta R. Thomas (Posthumously)
- Dedication Club Award: Central NC Alumni Club
- Membership Club Award: Laurens County Alumni Club
- Premier Club Award: Central NC Alumni Club
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mr. Clyde Manigo
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Gladys Butler Goforth (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service: Jimmy DuRante
- Distinguished Service: Susie L. Squire Mills (Posthumously)
- Young Alumni Service: Mr. Chandler Williamson
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mr. Robert Squirewell
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mr. Emory Waters
- Distinguished Service: Verna Mungin Cherry (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service: Hattie Pearson Donald
- Distinguished Service: Sheryl Good
- Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. Mary S. Washington (Posthumously)
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mr. James Little (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service: Susan Freeman (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service Non Alumni: Bernice Manigo (Posthumously)
- Young Alumni Service: Mr. Lynn Jackson
- Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. Ethel H. Taylor (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service: Mary Frances Griffin (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service: Gladys Butler Goforth (Posthumously)
- Outstanding Achievement: Mamie Floyd (Posthumously)
- Outstanding Achievement: Warren Massenburg (Posthumously)
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mr. Mingo Dicks (Posthumously)
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Thelma Brooks Salmond (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service: Eunice Stephens (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service: Eula Stokes (Posthumously)
- Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. Rufus Pettis
- Distinguished Service: Marlene Murphy McClerklin
- Distinguished Service: Minnie Giles Long
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Ruby Bellinger Sanders
- Distinguished Service: Hattie Suber
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mrs. Pearl Buckson Cox
- Distinguished Service: Jean Barber Grant
- Distinguished Service: Charles Lark
- Lula J. Gambrell (March): Robert Johnson (Posthumously)
- Lula J. Gambrell (October): Mrs. Essie M. Perkins
- Distinguished Service Non Alumni (March): Olivia Baker (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service (March): Romona Smith Gaither
- Distinguished Service (October): Ruby B. Sanders
- Lula J. Gambrell: Mr. Benjamin J. Qualls (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service Non Alumni: Donald Gibbons
- Outstanding Achievement: Henry L. Hutchinson
- Lula J. Gambrell: The Honorable Frank Gilbert (Posthumously)
- Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. Milton Kimpson (Posthumously)
- Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. Jasper Salmond
- Distinguished Service: Mattie W. Hudson (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service: Louise Moragne Sherard (Posthumously)
- Distinguished Service: Benedict College National Alumni Chorale
- Outstanding Achievement: LeRoy T. Walker (Posthumously)
- The Lula J. Gambrell: Â Mr. Louis C. Gibson
- Distinguished Service: Â Mrs. Essie Perkins
- Outstanding Achievement: Â Rev. Dr. Frank K. Sims (Posthumously)
- The Lula J. Gambrell: Â Mrs. Ollie Tingman
- Distinguished Service: Â Mrs. Pearl B. Cox
- Mrs. Lillie Mathis
- Outstanding Achievement: Â Dr. Ruby W. Watts
Outstanding Achievement: Â Ms. Elel Watts Finley
Distinguished Service: Â Mrs. Jacqueline Lawrence
- The Lula J. Gambrell: Dr. Tony Minus

- Distinguished Service: Mrs. Juliette Gilliam (Posthumously) 
Mr. Mingo Dicks, Mrs. Rozel S. Turner
- Outstanding Achievement: Mrs. Blanche McIver, 
Mr. Rufus Watts

Outstanding Achievement: Â Rev. Alexander McWhite
Distinguished Service: Â Mr. Paul A. Cash, Esquire
The Lula J. Gambrell: Â Rev. Samuel J. Lloyd
Distinguished Service: Â Dr. Milton Kimpson
Outstanding Achievement: Â Dr. Mamie N. Coker
Outstanding Achievement: Â Miss Sammie Mae Rice
The Lula J. Gambrell: Â Mrs. Leola Caison
Distinguished Service: Â Rev. John C. Williams
Distinguished Service:  Mrs. Blanche McIver, Rev. Samuel J. Lloyd, Mrs. Angeline Davis Smith
Distinguished Service Non-Alumnus: Â Mr. James Artemus
Outstanding Achievement:  Dr. Alma Byrd, Dr. Luns C. Richardson
Distinguished International Achievement: Â Dr. Marianna Davis
The Lula J. Gambrell: Â Mrs. Alberta Marshall
The Lula J. Gambrell: Â Dr. Lula J. Gambrell