National Pre-Alumni Council
The birth of The United Negro College Fund on April 25, 1944, among other events led to the awakening of alumni to support the need to provide financial and moral support to their alma maters. The National Alumni Council of The College Fund/UNCF emerged to address this concern and to further the legacy of The College Fund/UNCF institutions. For years the National Alumni Council has been doing its part in supporting The College Fund/UNCF and its member institutions.
Twelve years later in 1958, the National Pre-Alumni Council (NPAC) of the National Alumni Council (NAC) was created to stimulate the interest and participation of students in the progress of The College Fund/UNCF, to preserve and to further loyalty and fellowship between the member colleges and universities and assist in raising funds during the annual campaign of The College Fund/UNCF.
Since its creation, the NPAC has given more than 3 million dollars to The College Fund/UNCF.
The Role of the Pre-Alumni Council
“The purpose of the NPAC of the NAC of The College Fund/UNCF shall be to stimulate the interest and participation of the students enrolled at The College Fund/UNCF member institutions in the progress of The College Fund/UNCF. to preserve and to further loyalty and fellowship between the member institutions of The College Fund/UNCF their faculties staffs, students, and alumni.