Benedict College is a private/urban institution located in the City of Columbia, South Carolina. This booklet is compiled to provide important information concerning the incidents of crimes on the Benedict College campus and in nearby areas. The data has been integrated in a statistical format for better understanding. It is the intent of this publication to increase community awareness. Further, it is our hope that such knowledge will provide a basis for the enhancement of institutional and personal crime prevention strategies. It is clearly recognized that well thought out crime prevention strategies provide the best measure of protection from the criminal elements.
At any level, the commission of crimes within the College community is unacceptable. It is important to note that the data gathered herein punctuates the fact that incidents of crime within the BC community are significantly less than the college’s surrounding areas. Our success in maintaining a proactive stance and relatively low crime rate is a reflection of our constant vigilance and persistent efforts. These efforts have been a collaborative approach incorporating the concept that effective policing within the college is a partnership that combines traditional law enforcement with community involvement. Community orientated crime prevention programs, improved law enforcement strategies and campus security procedures have each played important roles to deter crime on campus.
Crime Awareness and Campus Security Annual Report
The purpose of this booklet is to demonstrate compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The act originally was passed in 1990 as part of the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act and was amended in 1992 and 1998 by the Higher Education Amendments. This requires all institutions of higher education who receive federal financial assistance to provide an annual security report which is distributed to all current and prospective students and employees.
The report includes information regarding security policies and procedures as well as crime statistics for the most recent three-year period. In addition, monthly uniform crime statistics are submitted to the South Carolina Law enforcement Division (SLED). These statistics represent incidents that have been reported to the Benedict College Campus Police Department as well as other college officials who have significant responsibility for student and campus activity. It focuses on reported crimes that have occurred on and off campus, on any off campus buildings owned or controlled by Benedict College, as well as public property within or immediately adjacent to, and accessible from Benedict College. Information is not solicited from the Counseling Office, Health Services or the Chaplains since their activities are protected and confidential. Incidents reported do not always result in criminal investigations or prosecution when the victim chooses not to pursue the matter criminally and opts for an alternative resolution or the student judiciary process.