Dr. Ebony Greene Benedict College Constitutional Law
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What impact could affirmative action ruling have on S.C.’s 8 HBCUs?

COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) – Thursday’s landmark ruling from the US Supreme Court to strike down affirmative action will significantly shake up the admissions processes for colleges and universities nationwide.

Some believe it could have further impacts on historically Black colleges and universities, HBCUs, specifically.

Barely 24 hours out from the affirmative action ruling coming down, it’s still too soon to know precisely how the decision could impact South Carolina’s eight HBCUs.

“There are just so many things that could potentially come out of this, so we’re going to see how it all pans out, but as a result of this ruling, it’s definitely going to make a lot of changes and put a lot of demand on all of us,” Dr. Ebony Green, a constitutional law professor at Benedict College in Columbia, said.

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