We are proud to announce and invite your organization to participate in our Annual Career Awareness Fair 2019 . The Benedict College Career Pathways Initiative and Service – Learning Program will host the Benedict College Annual Career Awareness Fair on Friday, February 15, 2019 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the David H. Swinton Campus Center located at 1604 Oak Street Columbia, SC 29204. This annual career event is open to the entire student body and serves as the official spring recruiting day for our College.
Benedict College is a private, co – educational liberal arts institution located in the heart of downtown Columbia, South Carolina with a current enrollment of 2,100 students. Benedict College is the 4 th largest private college in the United Negro College Fund network with students from 30 states and 26 countries. In 2018, the College was ranked by EdSmart.org as one of the top 20 HBCUs based on alumni starting salaries.
We invite you to come and recruit our best and brightest for your full – time and part – time vacancies and internships.
If your organization is interested in attending, please complete the attached 2019 Employer Registration Form and send back by email to Sonya.Johnson@benedict.edu or mail to 1600 Harden Street
MSC 604 Columbia, SC 29204.
The registration fee is $100 per company/organization and includes breakfast and lunch for one person
( additional meals – breakfast/lunch – are $10 per person/per meal), a six – foot table and table cover. If you would like to set up interviews following the career fair, please let our office know in advance so that we may reserve an interview space for you.
Also, if you would like to pay your registration fee or receive an invoice on our Career Management System
- Purple Briefcase, click https://app.purplebriefcase.com/pb/account/login?s=Benedict . Sign – up for FREE as a new employer and complete your company profile. Select “my events ” and click the register tab for Benedict College Annual Career Fair 2019.
If you have questions or need more information, feel free to contact our office at 803 705 – 4815. We look forward to seeing you on February 15, 2019!
Sonya Johnson, Career Development Coordinator
Benedict College Career Pathways Initiative and Service – Learning Program