Special Student Services Intake Form Learn More Visit Apply Step 1 of 2 50% During the New Student Orientation, or, as soon as possible: Confirm enrollment in Benedict College Provide appropriate and current documentation of student’s special need;  Documents are to be mailed to Admissions Documentation must have been conducted within the past three (3) years Self-identify a request for an academic accommodation through the Office of Special Student Services by sending an email to: SpecialStudent.Services@benedict.edu Complete the short intake form by visiting online at benedict.edu; click on the Tiger Portal tab; and then click on the Students’ tab Ask questions for information regarding how the Student Health Center can help in the accommodation process, during a telephone or virtual meeting with the Office of Special Student Services To contact the Office of Special Student Services, please email: SpecialStudent.Services@benedict.edu or, telephone (803) 705-4654; (803) 705-4560 Once a student completes the short intake form online, the student will receive a reply email, within 48 hours. Name* First Middle Last Academic Major*Primary Phone or Cell Phone*Email* MyBenedict official student email address is required for Special Student Services to email contact students. 1. Please list the requested Accommodation(s)*2. Is current medical documentation provided to support the request?* Yes No 3. Please check off college employees you are granting permission to receive written notification of your approved accommodation(s). Please check all that apply.* Select All Course Professors College Nurse College Counselor 4. (Please check box.)* I understand that I am to submit the Special Student Services Intake Form every semester to make sure my Accommodation Request is current for each semester.5. Signature*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY